Lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite.
Film: Year in Review (Sorta)
Film: Year in Review (Sorta)

Film: Year in Review (Sorta)

Watched 322 films last year that I hadn’t seen before.

I’m usually not qualified to make year-end lists till March or so, but a few from 2019 that stood out to me thus far: Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, Uncut Gems, Jojo Rabbit, Knives Out, Parasite, I Heard You Paint Houses, Booksmart, Us and Rolling Thunder Revue.

I made a pledge to watch at least one female-directed film per week that I hadn’t seen prior in 2019. Here they are (roughly ranked, if you’re looking for recommendations).

If you are looking to do the same in the future, or just seeking films directed by women, other favorites include The Virgin Suicides, Lady Bird, Ratcatcher, American Honey and Girlhood.