Lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite.
Streaming Music Raises Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Streaming Music Raises Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Streaming Music Raises Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Here is something I’ve never thought about.

From Pitchfork:

Though the overall plastic production in the recording industry has dropped, greenhouse gas emissions caused by music consumption have reached an unprecedented high, a new study from the University of Glasgow shows. The changes in environmental impact are due to the decreasing popularity of physical music formats and rise in digital music streaming.

From the BBC:

If you only listen to a track a couple of times, then streaming is the best option. If you listen repeatedly, a physical copy is best – streaming an album over the internet more than 27 times will likely use more energy than it takes to produce and manufacture a CD.

This is my new excuse for buying vinyl. Just saving the planet over here, no big.