Lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite.
Dealing with People On the Internet
Dealing with People On the Internet

Dealing with People On the Internet

This issue of The Discourse has some great advice on dealing with people online.
  • Reward your “enemies” when they agree with you, exhibit good behavior, or come around on an issue. Otherwise they have no incentive to ever meet you halfway.
  • Accept it when people apologize. People should be allowed to work through ideas and opinions online. And that can result in some messy outcomes. Be forgiving.
  • Sometimes people have differing opinions because they considered something you didn’t.
  • Take a second.
  • There’s always more to the story. You probably don’t know the full context of whatever you’re reading or watching.
  • Create the kind of communities and ideas you want people to talk about.
  • You don’t always have the moral high ground. You are not always right.
  • Block and mute quickly. Worry about the bubbles that creates later.
  • There but for the grace of God go you.

(Via Kottke)