Lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite.
What’s Your Mission Statement
What’s Your Mission Statement

What’s Your Mission Statement


How are you, dear?

My mind is currently on auto-pilot, but need to call you soon. It’s cool to hate talking on the phone now so I plan to talk on the phone more. I can’t seem to formulate sentences anymore so need practice.

I need to organically run into Bill Murray. I don’t know if I used organically right, but I need to make some changes in my life to help this pending fortune along.

I think one thing you and I have always had in common is the basic inability to be unequivocally excited. I think (hope) there are still a few illusions out there to get ourselves wrapped up in. We just have to train ourselves to be excited about the everyday before we can address that.

What’s your mission statement? The last time I took a serious look at mine I was five and I was going to be a ballerina or a princess of some sort so it’s going to need some tweaking.

I think raw almonds might have special powers, FYI.

If I am in a bad mood for no apparent reason I take note of any basic needs I have ignored – put to the wayside and/or poor diet choices. I try to take corrective action instead of burn everything down based on reasons I have assigned when my body was in survival mode from the various poisons recommended to me as an American Consumer. If I am in a good mood, for apparent no reason, same thing: I am looking for magic charms to keep in my arsenal. This shit has to work both ways, no?

So I ate a few handfuls of almonds and rediscovered the storyline I needed to continue on as a just and fair actor in my life.

You should make a cameo, too. I will find you or you find me.

Love and miss you,



When I am in a bad mood for no apparent reason, I think I do the same thing, and that is how I always come back around to you.
