Lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite.
Bob Matheu
Bob Matheu

20 Years Ago I Was At Coachella

So were the then recently-reunited Pixies, whom I interviewed.

And Air, also interviewed.

And Tommy Lee, whom I had a drink with in the VIP lounge.

Which is where I also Mike Watt. And Fred Schneider. And Wayne Coyne, who would debut the Space Bubble the next evening.

And Kraftwerk, who I managed to get into a packed tent to see and have my mind blown.

And Radiohead. If you were there, ya know.

And also Belle & Sebastian, Broken Social Scene, The Cure, Erase Errata and a lot of bands I can’t remember or may have missed because I was working and drinking and loving life and completely caught up in the magic.


Luke, it was great meeting you and hanging out, although we could have spent more time together. I was planning on working on my enigma persona, but you were too much fun.


That was the first of thousands of emails from my then “new boss” (MFIC stood for “Mother Fucker in Charge,” borrowed from Mayor Young) the day after we left Coachella in 2004. There was a time when I almost considered him a best friend and a time when we didn’t talk at all. We had so many plans and ideas and it was all electrifying and none of it panned out.

I’ve been missing him dearly for about a year now and looks like I’ll be missing him for the rest of my life.

Taking this one to heart, and in the future trying to remember these two things: don’t wait to do things you wanna do, and to let go of stupid shit.

Hope to see you again, Bob.

