Lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite.

Principles & Values

Friends of mine own a pair of remarkable BBQ restaurants.

The food is great. They are great. Their principles and values are worth a read. Many (all?) can be adapted not only to any business, but life in general:

Be the best restaurant we can be, not just the best BBQ restaurant.

Produce the highest quality food at all levels and exceed standards.

Provide the most knowledgeable and remarkable customer service that exceeds all expectations.

Every item on the menu must be exceptional. A bigger menu isn’t a better menu.

Have a kitchen/restaurant that is so clean and safe that you’d be proud to show a customer at any time.

Be solution focused, not problem focused.

Honesty, integrity, and respect in all interactions with customers and colleagues.

Have the best communication in the industry.

Assume the best in others and be empathetic. Especially with customers.

Always ask, “how could this be better?” Challenge all sacred cows. Push to be the absolute best.

Empower Others – don’t be a bottleneck. Be systems and process focused.

Operate from a place of positivity, not negativity.

Operate with logic, facts and numbers. Not from emotion.

Be respectful of everyone’s time.

Bootstrap it: do more with less and work with the tools you have.